Two Things You Can’t Be Simultaneously: A Christian and a Trump Supporter

Donald Trump epitomizes everything that is messed up with the modern American psyche.

Arrogant, greedy, tone deaf, self absorbed, incurious, emotionally stunted, bullying, contemptuous of those less fortunate or different than him, proudly clueless, gleefully ignorant: Trump takes all these traits to their furthest absurdity.

donald-trump-is-now-selling-his-make-america-great-again-baseball-capAnd a good chunk of the American electorate is eating up; they are looking at his trainwreck of a political campaign and seeing themselves standing there in that ridiculous white hat, saying the things they think but that us liberals supposedly won’t let them say.

The saddest part of this whole thing is that to be leading any GOP nomination poll, a candidate must be garnering a good chunk of the conservative evangelical Christian vote. Somehow, someway, a portion of American Christians, that portion who exclaims loudly that they are the best followers of Jesus and do everything with God in mind, are looking at Donald Trump and seeing the best fulfillment of Christ among this years candidates.

If that doesn’t illustrate the spiritual bankruptcy of modern American evangelical conservative Christianity, then I don’t know what does.

Christ wouldn’t demonize immigrants who want a better opportunity in life by classifying them all as druggies, rapists, and murderers.

He wouldn’t view committed, nursing mothers as disgusting.

He wouldn’t paint all observant, peaceful Muslims as terrorists and dangers to society.

He wouldn’t consistently demean women and conduct himself like a general misogynist.

He wouldn’t dismiss the less fortunate in our society as being losers just because they weren’t bequeathed a multimillion dollar real estate empire by their daddies.

Basically, Donald Trump, politician, is everything that Jesus very emphatically and actively wasn’t.

Listen, I’m always very leery of making claims around who I think Jesus would or wouldn’t vote for. I avoid invoking the endorsement of Jesus in any political commitment I make or express. I see committed, authentic Christians on both sides of the political divides, people who honestly believe their faith pulls them in that direction. And I think one of the defining characteristics of Jesus was that he worked outside the existing power structures, and that he very explicitly wouldn’t have aligned with either political party, or any contemporary political movement.

But I make an exception for certain candidates and political ideas. I feel very confident in saying that I really, really don’t think Jesus would identify with Donald Trump, and that it is near impossible to be both a follower of Jesus and a Trump supporter. The world views of the two men are just much too diametrically opposed.

A lot of conservatives decry today’s culture and long publicly for a return to a “simpler” time. I can sympathize with this attitude when it comes to things like integrity and honor and respect. These folks are generally looking for a political candidate they feel can take them back to that better day, who can restore America to a supposed halcyon moment that has long since passed.

But if you feel our country is headed in the wrong direction and support Donald Trump as an answer, then you are just advocating to return to  a time when women and minorities were treated like shit. You aren’t voting for a politer, simpler, more Christian America. You are voting for bigotry and bluster and proud stupidity.

But, as I always like to say, we get what we vote for, or more accurately, what we don’t bother to get out and vote for.

28 thoughts on “Two Things You Can’t Be Simultaneously: A Christian and a Trump Supporter

  1. I hear you on this so much. Especially as a religious leader, it is a wonder at how many congregants eat up the words and ideology of Mr. Trump. It makes me realize how little people have been listening to the words coming out of my mouth. Has the example of my life led them to believe that this is the way Christians should believe and behave? I sure hope not because Jesus’ life certainly doesn’t point that way.


    1. Seriously? I agree with every word about trump. But you sort of lost me when you said that Jesus wouldn’t pick a political side. You really think he’d be ok with being pro abortion and all that good stuff? I’m not so sure about that. And lets face it, the new religion of the left is political correctness.I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be politically correct. He’d tell the truth, because sometimes the truth just hurts.But we very much need to hear it sometimes.


    2. It’s either Trump or Hillary….pick your choice, I’m a christian but Hillary scares me, wanting to separate church from state, pro abortion more refugees but ni place to hwlp them. she will be Obamas puppet. He hates Christians, has no respect for military or police, especially if they’re white…he has escalated racism along with all the phoney liberals .and she’s right there with him.


  2. I wonder… WWSD (what would Scooby do…). this world is so messed up in the name of religion it makes me ill. Please keep religion and politics separate.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Donald Trump is and always has been his own caricature and a child. I agree he doesn’t represent most Christian views.

    However, as you attack Trump with a list of talking points and a bunch of WWJD’s, you appear to acknowledge that all other candidates are sinless or acceptably sinful? Funny, no piece on the leader in the Dem polls who appears to be breaking numerous US laws and has taken money from countries that do mistreat women. Whose husband has been a women abuser since way back in the day. Essentially, according you, God wants Christians to be more concerned with a greedy, boastful man desiring power; than a woman actively using power to subvert government authority and who has used government power to hide the sins of her husband?

    I guess what !!!really!!! rubs me raw about this piece is that we currently have a political party actively supporting the butchery and sale of baby parts. Whose leader has come out and said that he won’t support any legislation that prosecutes the murder of children born alive, dismembered and sold for parts when the abortion fails. In addition, we find out that the military, under this administration, has been silencing officers issuing complaints that Afghan soldiers are raping young boys.

    When will you be writing your piece about Obama or Hillary and how unChristian it is to support them and their party? That seems like a more pressing matter then ranting against a man with no actual political power that offends your sensibilities.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ll notice, there aren’t any blog posts around here documenting my support for any political candidates. I never claimed to be a Hillary supporter. I used to work in Democratic politics, but have that life long behind, with a residual disgust for electoral politics in general. I entered politics as a proud Obama Democrat, and that allegiance has sustained me this far; it also explains to me why my interest in politics is waning. President Obama is far from perfect, but he inspired me as a teenager, his campaign got me into politics, and I still believe in the things he and his campaign stood for, even as I disagree with him here and there. He’s not perfect at all, but I think he is a good and inspiring person, and a really good leader.

      That said, Hillary, and the 16 non-Trump GOP candidate, are all politicians as usual. I have a profound respect for those who run for and hold elective office. Having done it and been closely associated with the process for a long time, I see how hard it is, and the kind of work and dedication and love of country it takes to do it. But I could literally write one piece and plug any of those 17 names and it would hold true. All in all, it’s just not interesting to me like Mr. Trump (and specifically, his evangelical support) is interesting to me. This is my blog, after all, and I write what interests and intrigues me.

      But please, don’t mistake this blog post for what it isn’t. This piece at it’s core is about the support a candidate like Donald Trump is getting from evangelical Christians. They are the segment of the population most loud and proud about their Christianity, and claim they vote based on their Christian convictions. Basically what I’m saying here is, if that’s true, how in the world are they justifying support for Trump, of all people. I mean, to go back to my earlier point, all the other candidates have flaws, yes, but they generally are conventional candidates, and no one is perfect, and so I can see Christians supporting them based on how their faith calls them. But Donald Trump? I just don’t see it. As I said in the post, Mr. Trump and his candidacy seem so diametrically opposed to even a conservative Christian worldview that I just am at a loss to understand.


      1. “You’ll notice, there aren’t any blog posts around here documenting my support for any political candidates.” Which is exactly why the selected condemnation of one stands out all the more. Furthermore, as far as I can tell Trump is only attaining at most 25% of the evangelical vote, while in some polls Carson is reaching levels nearer to 50%. This leads me to believe, not unlike your talking points, you are beholden to a liberal media for your information. Please provide your proof for overwhelming evangelical support.

        Even more telling is you rationalization of supporting Obama as an ‘inspiring’ leader. Nevermind his stance on political issues (welfare, taxes, foreign policy); he refused to vote in the IL senate on a bill that would protect live birth children from the result of a failed abortion, because he feared babies might receive personhood status. In 2004 he claimed that there were multiple ways to God aside from Christ. In addition he has said that he believes that Jesus is only a historical figure, good for learning servitude. Appreantly, by calling someone a bigot or misogynist and attack he politics as unworkable, God finds favor in your support of a baby killer and heretic. Since you are calling out Trump supports as unChristian, please give me Biblical support for the sins of Obama over the sins of Trump.

        Lastly, in a separate reply you quote the words of Jesus regarding taking care of others, specifically those with less. Please provide scriptural support that those words were designed to taken on a governmental level rather than a personal one. Did Jesus, in saying that, expect us to take the money of others and perform those tasks? Also, why, by your standard, are you not supporting the importation of all poor people to the US?

        You have essentially taken your political position, attached God’s name to it and claimed it is what God would want. If I am not mistaken that is exactly what the 2nd commandment would condemn. Especially since the Bible is written to the individual or the church and not the workings of a government.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I never claimed that Trump was getting “overwhelming evangelical support.” My exact quote from the post is: “The saddest part of this whole thing is that to be leading any GOP nomination poll, a candidate must be garnering a good chunk of the conservative evangelical Christian vote. ” 25% seems like a pretty good chunk of the evangelical vote, since that would put him probably second behind Ben Carson. Again, this support my main question: how in the world do 25% of the conservative evangelical voters justify their vote for Trump?

        As for my support of President Obama, his position on the things you pointed out – welfare, taxes, foregin policy- are positions I generally agree with. I am a progressive and liberal, after all. You can throw all the examples of Obama policies and positions out there that you want, put it really proves no discernible point. I admitted in my last comment that I don’t hold Obama to be perfect, nor do I agree with all his positions. I do, however, agree with most, and yes, I do find him inspiring. That’e fine if you don’t, or if you think that’s a terrible trait to admire. I’m not asking you to agree. I’m giving my opinion. If that disqualifies any future commentary I have on politics for you, well, I can live with that. Personally, I don’t think being inspired by political figures is a bad thing. As a former poli sci major, and history buff, I also find myself inspired by the words of Truman, JFK, TR, FDR, Lincoln, Jefferson, among others. Doesn’t mean I agree with everything they ever said or did. Just that I admire them as historical figures and leaders.

        I do agree with the theological points of Obama’s that you raised. I also believe people can find God in other places, and I also hold Jesus as an amazing person and teacher, not necessarily some divine being. If that makes me a heretic to some, well, again, I can live with that. I’ve been labeled worse.

        Finally, your last argument. This is one of my biggest pet peeves, and I’m going to temper myself here, because I could write thousands of words on the topic. I’ll just limit myself to this: if your faith is you lodestar, and you consult it in all things you do, why wouldn’t you want to support policies that line up with the Christian values you espouse. For instance, I believe feeding the hungry is one of the most basic and most important things we can do as a Christian. So, of course I support government policies that do just that. I don’t feel that some abstract idea of taxes being theft or whatever is a good argument against. Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, right? I can’t think of many better places for a small portion of the money I have been blessed with to go than to a program that tries to help people. Money is temporary, but the good we can do is forever. No matter what you think or say, my faith influences the political positions I take and the issues that are important to me, not the other way around.


      3. “I also believe people can find God in other places, and I also hold Jesus as an amazing person and teacher, not necessarily some divine being.”

        That is not a Christian statement. In fact it nullifies the all Biblical Doctrine and diminishes the power of God to nothing more than any other deity worshiped. As a result, it doesn’t raise all deities to gods, but rather makes all gods worthless. Oddly enough, it makes this blog post worthless as you are attempting to use a subjective God to make objective statements.

        Lastly, as to your political view. It is incredibly closed minded as apparently only your way is the proper way to feed the hungry or care for the poor, etc.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. My only reply to that is,
        I, being charitable at heart with my beliefs do what i can to help, but not through my government! The Government takes care of the Needy and so do the churches, and i would never hope to tangle them both together!! You have every right in this country to voice you opinions and display admirations & preferences of who is your Hero, but i on the other hand dont judge a persons political abilities by what religion they are. I’m not saying thats right or wrong. Just saying, im Happy i wont be in fear of having my head cut off! 😦
        There are really scary thing going on in this world. We need to pick our battles carefully 😔


      5. To support Obama would be liken to supporting the One & only Self proclaimed Muslim. How would that sit with A person who boost to have such Christian Values…. isnt it the Islam Faith that Condemn the Christains ? This is dissturbing at its least.
        Where, I for one, do believe that any goverment dealings should not be looked at through Evangelical Eyes. #trendondangerousterritory
        Thank you, Schmidtjb, for your rely. Im sure there are many of us out there who are willing to go the extra mile to hear the truth! 😦


      6. Maybe you should do as Jesus preaches to his children. Hear the words that are spoken from the mouth of the speeker and not the “evil doers” with a crooked pen or edited messages. These things that you state are words spoken by Mr. TRUMP, but who is your messager? Are you to pass on untruths in the name of Jesus. You need to do more research about Trump before you pass on false witness! It would be best if you were to start your blog with “In my opinion”, And not to pass on edited false testimony. In my opinion & a lot of others, CHURCH & Government do not belong in the same sentence! There is a reason for that! We wouldnt want to end up like Islam now would we…. just a thought. 😞


  4. You lost me with this article. It’s pure opinion and no fact. You do know the difference between the two right? You’re a writer, of course you do. You can make fun of Trump all you want, that seems to be all you’re doing in fact. But you made absolutely no reference to his political ideology or his plans as president. Referencing Univision and other media outlets is far from fact. You incorrectly used the word “immigrants” to describe illegal aliens (major difference). I’ll admit that Trump needs to keep some things to himself, but he’s obviously no professional politician like all of his opponents. He will get better with time at not saying the wrong things. But if you’re able to look past that, he has a solid plan for this country! He wants to help our economy by closing the border to ILLEGALS (not immigrants) and if you listened to his actual words rather than your media outlets twisted version of his words, you would have heard him say that he will gladly accept immigrants who come into this country legally. One last thing. You wonder why Christians vote for him? Because Christians are usually hard working people with family’s to take care of, and those are the people who have it the worst in this country because they pay so many taxes that go to supporting people who don’t work. While the richest one percent will always be rich and therefore free from financial struggle. A vote for trump is a vote for the hard working American taxpayer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, to address your first point, this is my personal blog. It’s mostly my opinion. That’s what I do around here.

      I made no reference to Mr. Trump’s ideology or vision because it seems to me he doesn’t really have one. His campaign seems to hang upon his insane promise to deport people and intimidate China and Mexico and “win.” There isn’t a coherent plan there. In fact, go to his website. There are only two policy positions outlined: the 2nd amendment and immigration. No white papers, no economic policy, no foreign policy. He has no plan, and his campaign is basically a big ego stroke for a man who seems to crave attention.

      His “plan” to deport all the “illegals” (also known as “human beings created in God’s image deserving of our respect and compassion and love who desperately want a better life in the greatest country in the world who decided to make that a reality no matter what”) is no plan at all. I mean, how does that even work? How do you round up 11 million people, most of who have jobs that you and I depend on, and send them back to wherever they came from? You just can’t do it. And how does he plan to keep people out? The border is thousands of miles long. There is no way to you can build a fence the whole way and monitor every inch day and night. It would cost trillions and it still wouldn’t work. Basically, Trump is writing checks he can’t cash (something he seems good at it) and lying to all his supporters. It’s just not gonna happen, and anyone who thinks it is delusional.

      I get that he’s not a “professional politician,” but frankly, I see that as a drawback when selecting a president. The presidency is a political job, so I want a politician to do it, because running a country is not like running a business, no matter what some people want you to think.

      Finally, you’re contention that Christians have it harder than anyone else in this country is laughable. Are you kidding me? This is a majority Christian nation. We run this show. We have it so good it’s not even funny. The fact that we pay a portion back to our great nation in taxes to help make it an even better place shouldn’t be something we bemoan; it should be accepted as a responsibility for all the privileges we have as Americans. You know who has it bad? The one in four children in my home state who don’t know if they will eat tonight, and who are on the chopping block every time a politician stirs up outrage over taxes. I’m sorry, but you and I, middle class Christians, we don’t have it bad. We have it really, really, really good. We should thanking God for our station in life everyday, and asking what we can do to help others from our rich blessing.

      Which, by the way, Jesus answered for us: feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned, heal the sick, and love everyone. No matter what.

      Grace and peace

      Justin DaMetz


    2. I don’t consider myself liberal… I am a middle of the road person, and see both sides. But honestly…. I am baffled at the logic people see and don’t see… you said there was absolutely no reference made to Trumps plans as president???? Because we haven’t heard ANY plans… just some Disney dream of “believe” and I will make it happen. How? How is he going to do all these things? You need to do a little research on your selected candidate… Trump has taken more from hard working Americans than he will ever give back. He inheirted his money… and has lost a lot of “daddy’s” fortune. The majority of border illegals that come here take jobs that most Americans feel are beneath them, the majority are christians, catholic, working hard for their families too. Get away from the spin of both parties and read some real facts about the reality of your country… take a good look at the real social structure and the employment benefits your country has compaired to the rest of the world. Trump probably is keeping some things to himself… everyone does, and that is the scary part.


  5. Justin: Spot on. There comes a time when someone says some things so egregious that we must speak prophetically. Calling out Mr. Trump and those Christians who support him is speaking prophetically.


    1. Cheer up, though. He seems to be losing steam already and we’re still a few months out for an actual choice to materialize.

      Also, I think you have a typo. ‘won’t let them SEE.’ instead of ‘say’. (I apologize for the all caps, but there’s no other way to ‘highlight’ words.)


  6. im starting to believe evangelical christians are not well informed. i also believe you believe in fairy tales. i believe prayer works & right now the word is in a spiritual fight for it’s life. but we still have to vote & protect ourselves & family. tell me what the democrats & republicans have done for us except re-elect themselves. i pray for our enemies but that does not mean i will not kill them if i have to. the world is in big trouble & if you dont agree with trump its ok. but you have no authority to say you cant be a christian & vote for trump. i just want ou to open your eyes & pray for guidance. all god’s love amen


  7. Please write another article and show how you can possibly be a THINKING Christian and support Crooked Hillary (yes, Captial C). You are obviously of the “christian” camp that cannot hear God even when He’s shouting, listens to mainstream media and gobbles it all up, so please, PLEASE JUST WAKE UP!!!!!!!


  8. I realize this is now old, but look at the right-wingers who stormed this comments section. Obama is a Kenyan Muslim! Roe is bad but privatization is good because corporations might pray someday! I wonder how many of these people became Qanoners? They might be Flat Earthers as well.


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